First and foremost, I want to praise my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ — he got me through this storm and over the biggest mountain I’ve ever had in front of me. It brings me to tears just thinking about the goodness of God!
My Journey From Discovering the Lump to No Evidence of Cancer
Part 1: Finding the lump after removing my breast implants
In July 2020, I underwent breast explant surgery — after 6 years with implants, I was feeling off and felt the nudge to remove them. I had heard about breast implant illness and found that I was experiencing those same symptoms I read about! I figured I’d remove the implants and feel better! Well, the morning after the surgery I felt a lump in my breast…
I immediately called the explant doctor and he said it was a very common finding after this type of surgery. It could be caused by fluid build-up, cysts, internal scarring, and possibly scar tissue. So, I let it go, I decided to wait and see if it would heal like he said.
That lump never went away. One year later, I was pregnant. After I had my baby boy, I finally got the lump checked out.
The Health Dangers of Breast Implants
Before I go into what happened at that doctor visit, I want to quickly touch on breast implants and how dangerous they are — they are lethal! Scans will NOT pick up lumps in the breast if they are behind the implant, and it’s literally killing people.
It would be a disservice to not share this because of my story: ALL breast implants come with a black box warning. Millions of women are extremely ill from breast implants — when I was looking for support, I found 70+ active pages on Facebook dedicated to BII (Breast Implant Illness)! There are 2 different cancers related to breast implants BIA-ALCL, aka Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, being one.
The list of carcinogens, xeno-estrogens, and neurotoxins in breast implants is staggering. To place implants in someone who is already immune-compromised is a recipe for disaster! Please be extremely cautious before having implants placed over your 2 integral organs — your heart and lungs! The majority of your lymphatic system is in your chest/armpit area and once these chemicals are in your lymphatic system, it is extremely difficult to get them out! Silicone is highly problematic and saline implants have a silicone shell. I’ve seen them come out of women covered in mold and who knows what else! Some explant doctors I found will only remove and WILL NOT implant them because they believe they are making people sick!
Part 2: Diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer
In December 2022, 2.5 years after my explant surgery and initially feeling that lump, and several biopsies later, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer. It rocked my family’s world and I was devastated to say the very least.
I had always been a health fanatic and I would say a hypochondriac. So, between working out regularly and eating clean, how could this happen to me!? My first thought was, “I’m going to beat this naturally because I’ve seen what chemo and radiation can do to people — it kills!” I found an integrative doctor to work with to try alternative therapies… but my numbers kept going up. I knew something wasn’t right. At this point, I started researching non-stop and started to clean up everything in my life from products I put in my body, on my body, and used in my home. We cancer-proofed our entire home and invested in several at-home natural therapies!
Part 3: Diagnosis upgraded to Stage 4 Breast Cancer
In February 2023, I had a double mastectomy (they found cancer in both breasts) and another procedure after that which set me into surgical menopause.
A couple of months after my surgeries I had a full-body MRI and was told that it was Stage 4 — and probably had been since December.
I had it all over — liver, ribs, abdomen, pelvis, skull, and many lymph nodes — mainly in my bones. Talk about seeing my death and thinking this was it…there is NO Stage 5, y’all! I had just been diagnosed with terminal aggressive triple-positive breast cancer.
I even did genetic testing and it was negative for the BRCA genes (genes that are important to fighting cancer). I was crushed in spirit. I experienced true sorrow. I have never prayed harder in my life, crying out to God, pleading for answers, begging, you name it! I have so much to live for, this is not it! Thankfully, I now can look back and see that God had been working in numerous ways in the details and I’m sure I’ll share more about one day.
Part 4: Choosing faith over fear
I never stopped praying and believing that God was working all things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose — this verse kept ringing in my ears and is my verse, summing up this journey! I knew deep down that this was NOT it and that God was going to use this for something greater than I could ever begin to imagine.
I went to church a couple of days after finding out it was Stage 4. The elders and pastors prayed over us fervently. They anointed me with oil and we prayed HARD. We did what the word says to do… “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14 We prayed for a miracle, we sang songs, and they shared stories of Jesus healing people. Everyone shared what came to their heart at that moment. I heard the verse from Psalm 103 pop in my head and we read it aloud. I can’t make this stuff up! Want to know what the verse says?
So. Many. Tears! I knew from then on it was going to be OK and that the Lord was going to show me the way! Any guess what the condo number I stayed in for 14 weeks of treatments was? 103! I felt certain that he had me in the palm of his hand…
As we were leaving the prayer room, our pastor’s wife came up to me and asked what was next. I had been researching alternative clinics because my insurance denied treatment for me…
Can you believe that?! Insurance denied me! Who are they to pick and choose what treatment I am and not allowed to do?! It really should be the discretion between the doctor and the patient. What the heck was I going to do just sit around and wait?! Heck NO. I have 4 kids and a husband who I’m madly in love with! I knew everything happens for a reason.
At that point, I was praying for a roadblock because I didn’t want to do the treatment my doctor was telling me to do. As it would turn out, my doctor said she fought heaven and earth and it got denied by insurance… that was a HUGE sign from God for me! I knew he was paving my way.
I told our pastor’s wife I was looking into a clinic in Arizona and she said she knew someone from our church that went to one in Arizona also! I was shocked — let’s get connected to her ASAP! Soon after, I started a GoFundMe because there was NO WAY we could afford this out-of-pocket. The clinic looked like everything I had hoped for! A couple of weeks later, my mama and I were on a plane to Arizona to have a consultation with the doctor! I had it in my head that I was not coming home unless I was better.
Part 5: Treatment at a Holistic Cancer Treatment Center in Arizona
I was at the Envita Medical Center in Arizona for a total of 14 weeks. Here’s a quick review of what my treatment consisted of during that time:
- Weekly genetically fractionated chemotherapy
- Targeted smart drugs for HER2-positive breast cancer
- Three rounds of apheresis, a blood treatment that cleans up dead cancer cells, heavy metals, toxins, residual chemo, and cholesterol in the blood.
- A liver procedure intravenously called CIPI (Chemo Immuno Precision Injections) where they release chemo beads to wipe it out
- Weekly blood ozone with UV light which kills cancer, bacteria, microbes, bacteria, and more
- Weekly lymphatic massages to help detox
- Immune boosting IVS-high dose vitamin C, sodium bicarbonate, cyclodex, alpha lipoic acid, and artemisinin
- We dug deep to find the root causes. I did environmental testing and found mold and glyphosate in my labs that were off the charts!
- We did a DUTCH hormone test to work on balancing my hormones
I’m not going to lie, it was rough and felt like a full-time job! I had my mom there with me for the first two weeks, then my stepmom for 8 weeks — she came from Germany. My younger sister came for the last month.
Part 6: Heading home 3.5 months later with 90% of the cancer gone
In August of 2023, 3.5 months later, I did another scan and it revealed that 90% of the cancer was GONE! I still had mild activity in my pelvis but I knew deep down that was going to be resolved, and sure enough, it was when I got back and had more cleansing under my belt. I stayed at Envita for three more weeks after we got those results to work on the root causes of the cancer.
When I finally got home, it was the BEST feeling to see my family again! My baby y’all — he grew and I missed so many sweet moments! I didn’t realize how hard it was going to be until I got there and then came back home — the hardest thing I ever had to endure. I cried every day and night while away for that long. Talk about appreciating your life and everything in it — it truly gave me a new perspective on life! It was all for my family, they needed me. Someone said to me something that will always stick with me: the time I spent away was short compared to the tradeoff of a long road ahead with my sweet family. And it’s so true!
Envita sent me home with an at-home care plan. I found a local functional medicine doctor to work with in the Raleigh, NC area. She focuses on finding the root cause instead of treating the symptoms of the disease. She does Bio-Resonance Testing: a state-of-the-art computer-based system used for measuring the energetic balance of the body. This method can determine bio-electrical disturbances in the meridians, organs, and systems, as well as provide information as to the energetic causes that deter our optimum health. I can’t recommend this enough! I also continued IV therapy at this clinic I found. If we don’t clean up the terrain then nothing changes — I had to take inventory and change so many things in my life!
Part 7: After 4 months at home I got the best news: “No Evidence of Active Disease”
Four months later, in December of 2023, I had another scan which revealed NO EVIDENCE OF ACTIVE DISEASE! Praise God! It all worked — the hard, the tears, the nerves, anxiety, stress, hopelessness, researching, gosh everything — it all paid off!
What’s crazy is that I could still be walking around with that lump behind those implants and would not have even known about it! It was the Lord that nudged me and showed me the way. He wants us healed, it’s who he is! Now I can’t help but share this God story and want to help others on their journey! There is HOPE, always HOPE!
What I Did To Aid In Naturally Healing Stage 4 Breast Cancer
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor nor do I have any qualifications in the medical space. I’m just sharing my story and what has helped me tremendously to overcome a scary diagnosis. I wish I had known back then what I now know, but I believe each of our stories are unique and that God wants us to pay it forward and help others with our testimony.
Faith: Lean into your faith to find support. Surround yourself with those who have faith in healing and miracles.
I was diagnosed when my sweet baby Jesse was 9 months old. I had finally gotten my boy after having three girls, and the joy was stolen from me. It brings me to tears just writing it out…
Why me? Why now? Why not the bad guys that do really bad things? I love Jesus. I’m a wife to my high school sweetheart. I’m a mom of 4 kids who desperately need me. I have so much to live for! I felt so broken. I cried out day and night begging for answers, direction, wisdom, and discernment. Lord hear my prayers! Show me what to do! Lead me because your way is the best way. I’m nothing without you, Lord. Help!
Cancer forced me to step out in faith and trust God in a way that I never had before. So I’m going to share about my relationship with God and about how my faith got me through. Some of it will be encouraging and some challenging. But I believe it’s going to help a lot of people.
Faith is choosing to believe!
It’s choosing to believe in something that you cannot see, something that you don’t yet have evidence or proof of. Simply put, faith is believing that God’s word is true.
So I chose to believe that God was going to work this for my good. Let me be clear, I didn’t like it! I was really unhappy about my situation. Cancer is not good news, especially my diagnosis: full body cancer, aggressive HER2-positive breast cancer. Grade 3, Stage 4. This did not bring me joy. It was not a gift or a blessing. It was and is the worst thing that ever happened to me. But I chose to believe that God was going to work this bad thing for my good. I had no idea how and I was very afraid. I had talks with God — “I don’t understand but I believe your word and plan for my life.”
Psalm 34 says “I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of their trouble.”
I chose to believe Psalm 34, “A righteous man may have many troubles or afflictions, but the Lord delivers him from them all.” That was the verse I stood on. I just grabbed a hold of it. And I said “This is me. This is my verse. God is going to deliver me from this.”
A question a lot of cancer patients who have faith ask (I know because it’s something I asked) is, “why did God allow this to happen?” I remember thinking it was so unfair. I’m trying really hard to follow Jesus and now I have cancer, seriously?!
I started reading and researching the Bible because I was struggling with this, and I needed to know if it was God’s will for me to be sick, or if it was His will for me to get well.
I spent time looking up all the verses about sickness, disease, health, and healing in the Bible. I kept seeing God healing people over and over. I looked at the life and ministry of Jesus — Jesus spent most of his time with the poor and the outcast of society. The people no one cared about. He taught them about the kingdom of God and taught them how to live. He performed miracles. He healed the sick over and over and over.
Some believe that Jesus was a good man or a prophet, but Jesus actually claimed to be God in the flesh. C.S. Lewis says, “any man who claims to be God is either a liar, a lunatic, or the Lord.” Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) That is why the religious leaders crucified him. I believe Jesus is who he says He is — that Jesus is God in human form, that He rose from the grave and is alive, that He is the Lord and one day when we die we will give an account for our life.
Hebrews 13:8 says, “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He doesn’t change. If that’s true then what Jesus was doing then, He is also doing now. It was His will and His desire to heal then, and it’s His will and desire to heal now! As I read the accounts of Jesus healing all those people, I started to believe that it was His will for me to be well!
One of the biggest stories that stood out to me was the woman who had a hemorrhage for 12 years. She was bleeding and by Jewish law, any woman who was bleeding was considered unclean and untouchable. She was the outcast. It says that “she has endured much at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she has, and was not helped at all, but had gotten worse” (Mark 5:26) Does that sound familiar? After hearing about Jesus, she came up in the crowd behind Him and touched his cloak, for she thought, “if I just touch his garments, I’ll get well.” Immediately, the flow of her blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. At that moment, Jesus, perceiving that power had gone out of him, turned around in the crowd and said, “who touched my garments?” And his disciples said, “The crowd is pressing in on you and you’re asking who touched you?” Jesus looked around and saw the woman and He knew that she was the one who had touched him. She became afraid and she began to tremble. She fell before Him and told him that she was sick and that she had come to touch his garment. And Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction.” (Mark 5:28-34)
In my prayer life, I became that woman. I became that woman who just needed a touch from Jesus! I got well and was healed. My cancer was gone ya’ll! I was down on my knees, desperate, for a touch from God. Yes, I radically changed my whole life — I took responsibility for my health, my diet, my lifestyle, and my environment — but at the end of the day, I was depending on God to heal me, to lead me on the path of healing.
I remember praying to God: “I don’t know what to do… If there is another way besides full-blown chemo, please show me!” That was when my insurance denied the target drug and the way was paved to an alternative clinic. It was ONLY God! I also started to read tons of books that helped me understand the power that food has to promote health or heal disease. I learned that my body is a temple and I needed to honor God through my body and rebuild my temple! I also believe in miraculous healing — I’ve seen it happen and I’ve heard many testimonies of it happening!
The Bible says faith without action is dead. So, you still need to take action to change your life and rebuild your body — that’s an important part of the healing process. Now, think about this very carefully: Jesus said, “daughter, your faith has made you well.”
In the next chapter, Mark 6:1-6, it says, “Jesus went back to His own country, and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath came, He began to teach in the temple. And many of the people listening to him were astonished. And they said, ‘Where did this man get these things? And what wisdom is this, which is given to him, that such mighty works are performed by his hands?’” And they took offense to his teaching. They thought that because he grew up in their town he was not qualified to teach, and Jesus knew this and said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, among his own relatives and in his own house.”
And here’s the kicker. It says, “Jesus could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands on a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief.”
And the unbelief of the people around him was so strong that it says, “He could do no mighty work there.” His ability to heal was hindered; it was blocked by unbelief — by the lack of faith of the people around him. But don’t forget, he was able to still heal a few sick people, which is amazing. And then it says, “he marveled at their unbelief… “
People sometimes get offended when you talk about the faith component in healing. “What are you trying to say? That it’s my fault that I’m sick? That I’m not getting well because I don’t have enough faith?”
I don’t know, maybe it is.
Are you full of doubt?
In Mark 9:22-24, a man brings his son to Jesus to be healed. The boy is suffering from seizures, and the man says to Jesus, “if you can do anything, please help us.” And Jesus says, “if you can’t believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” And immediately the father of the boy cries out, “I do believe. Help me and my unbelief!“ And Jesus heals the boy.
If you’re struggling with unbelief, just ask God to help you believe.
Here’s a twist — it may not be YOUR faith that is the issue!
Maybe you are surrounded by people with no faith — your church, your family, your friends. You may be surrounded by so much unbelief that it is blocking the process! If so you need to change your environment. You may need to get into a community of believers who have faith in healing and faith in miracles!
There are some very specific instructions about healing in the Bible in the book of James. But first, let me share a few things that James says in Chapter 1. He says, “consider it all joy when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect results, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-4)
James is writing to Christians who are going through some tough times. And he’s telling us to think differently, to consider it joy when you encounter trials and difficulty because your faith is being tested, and when your faith is tested, it produces endurance. You learn to endure difficulty and that makes you better. Difficulties in life will change you. If you approach them with the right perspective, they will make you stronger and wiser.
In verses 5-8, he says, “If you lack wisdom, ask God who gives generously and without reproach, and wisdom will be given to you. But you must ask in faith, without doubting, for the one who doubts, is like waves of the sea, tossed back and forth by the wind. A person who doubts should not expect to receive anything from the Lord because they are double-minded, and unstable in all their ways.” That’s a pretty strong statement. “A person who doubts should not expect to receive anything.”
So, this is the part where your faith is put into action — if you believe God for healing, you have to stand on that belief and refuse to doubt it. When doubt tries to creep in, you have to say to yourself, “No, I’m not going to doubt. I am choosing to believe. God is going to heal me. He is healing me now.”
This is what I did. Some of you might think this sounds insane. I understand. I know it sounds insane. But I was desperate! I was willing to put all my faith, hope, and trust in God — in Jesus — to lead me and to heal me!
I mentioned James had some specific instructions for you. Here they are: James 13-15 says, “Is anyone among you suffering? Then they must pray. Is anyone cheerful? Sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? Then call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick. And the Lord will raise you up. If you committed sins, they will be forgiven.”
Notice he says “…the prayer offered in faith…” You need to be in faith and the elders of your church need to be in faith. They need to be believers in healing. If you’ve never heard your pastor or elders in your church talk about healing, or talk about having faith for healing — faith for the supernatural — they may not have any. That’s why I mentioned earlier that you need to be around people who have faith for healing!
James 5:16 says, “confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much.” Fervent prayer means intense prayer; passionately praying for something and not giving up until you get it. That is how you need to pray!
One of the most famous verses in the Bible is Isaiah 53:4-5, in the Old Testament. This is the prophet Isaiah predicting the Messiah, talking about Jesus. He says, “Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions (sins). He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement (punishment) for our peace was upon him. And by His stripes, we are healed.”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve prayed that verse! I just said, “By your stripes, I am healed.” I believe it. I’m taking hold of it. This is mine. I’m putting my faith right here. “By your stripes, I am healed!” Every day, throughout the day, I would meditate on this verse and I would confess it. Every day I would say, “I’m healed, I’m healthy. And I’m well, in Jesus’ name.” I said it over and over again. I was speaking life and health into my body.
The Bible also says in Proverbs 23:7, “As a man thinks, so he is.” The entire self-help and success movement is built on that one verse. “As a man thinks, so he is.” Your thoughts are powerful. And your thoughts create your reality. This sounds like crazy stuff to some people. But this is timeless wisdom!
A really important lesson that I’ve learned along this cancer journey is to put our faith, hope, and trust in God first. Not in food, not in doctors — those things have their place — but your faith, hope, and trust need to be in God. You need to take your problems to Him first. Don’t let people around you rush you into treatment that you’re not ready for or that you don’t agree with. Don’t let them use fear to motivate you to take action because fear-based decisions are often wrong ones!
You need to make faith-based decisions, not fear-based decisions.
Isaiah 40:31 says, “those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall; walk and not faint.”
If you have cancer, this is the time for you to wait on the Lord. If you don’t have a clear direction on what to do next, don’t feel like you have to rush into treatment. After I was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer I prayed harder than ever and asked God for a roadblock if he did not want me to do the treatment my doctor was telling me! When I got on the phone with my doctor, she told me the drug she wanted me to try was denied. Her words were “I fought heaven and earth with your insurance.” That was my roadblock!
Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.“ You need to get still, quiet, and listen to God. Let him speak to you. This may mean getting away from everyone for a few days and spending time alone in prayer and fasting — in a hotel room, in a tent — whatever works for you. Just you, your Bible, and God.
Fasting is very powerful. I did a 5-day fast before I found out I was going to Arizona for treatment. I believe God paved the way for me and saw my sacrifice. It was literally right after that fast that the doors opened up to go to the clinic away from home. Jesus fasted.
When you’re really serious about something, when you’ve got a serious problem, fasting and prayer are the best approaches. Stop eating (drinking water is fine) and take your problem to God. Devote some time — a day or a few days, maybe more — to seek the Lord and get an answer. Do whatever you need to do. This is your life, and you may need to do something radical here.
As a culture, we have been conditioned to put our faith, hope, and trust in doctors first. I want to encourage you to put your faith, hope, and trust in God first. Ask him to lead you. And don’t do anything until you’ve heard from him — until you have peace and confirmation about your next steps. A great thing to ask God in prayer besides, “show me what I need to do” is, “show me what I need to change.” Ask God to show you what you need to change in your life, and he will. Things will come to mind that you know are wrong in your life that you need to change. Ask and listen. Then take action. Make those changes.
If you don’t know God, if you don’t know if there is a God, all you have to do is reach out and ask.
Get alone, get quiet, and say, “God reveal yourself to me. Here I am. I’m ready. I’m open. I’m willing to believe. Just show me yourself. I want to know you. I want to know who you are. I want to know if you’re real. I want to know that you love me and that you care for me. So, here I am. Show me what I need to do and show me what I need to change.”
I’m going to leave you with one more verse, Matthew 7:7-12. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” God loves you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to restore you. He wants to restore your life, your family, and your health!
Caring For Your Body: 6 of the simplest steps to help your body heal
The body is remarkable at cleansing and healing itself — multiple organs and organ systems continually work to remove toxins from the body!
Here are ways to support your body’s natural detoxification system:
- Eating a balanced diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables
- Supporting your gut microbiome by increasing foods that contain prebiotics, fermented foods, and high-antioxidant foods
- Drinking enough water
- Exercise
- Getting enough sleep
- Cutt back, reduce exposure to, or eliminate alcohol, smoking, or other substances such as chemicals in household cleaners and personal care products
Get access to my 10-Day Detox Nutrition Guide along with recipes to get you started!
Supplements: Start blocking the cancer-feeding pathways with the right supplements
*For total transparency — this post contains product affiliate or referral marketing links and I may receive a commission if you purchase after clicking on one of these links. All opinions are my own.
Let’s talk about supplementation and blocking the cancer-feeding pathways! I’ve learned that you can starve cancer without starving yourself by blocking the ways cancer feeds. Cancer feeds off of glucose, fatty acids, and glutamine. Targeting cancer cell metabolism, growth signaling pathways, and enhancing anti-cancer immunity. Many natural compounds, supplements, and FDA-approved medications possess these anticancer properties!
My Number One Anti-Cancer Supplement Recommendation:
The first supplement I recommend is actually a bundle of 3 different products. It’s simply called “The Routine” (you can use promo code: HELLO10 for $10 off) and includes a Hydrate & Detox Supplement, Collagen Supplement, and Morning Supplement. These supplements alone block several pathways with magnesium, milk thistle, curcumin, D3, theanine, and more! They’re helpful to anyone going through cancer treatment and on the road to healing! Before discovering this routine, I was taking several supplements that equated to what I’m now getting in just these 3 products!
The goal here is to cover all the cancer-feeding pathways with the fewest pills.
As for the collagen — a strong collagen matrix in your tissues helps keep the tumor from being able to metastasize. I can’t stress the importance of choosing a high-quality collagen, though! Due to the recent popularity of collagen supplements, there are many cheaply produced, low-quality options on the market. This is one of those cases where you truly get what you pay for!
This routine has given me loads of energy and helped heal my gut after all the treatments I have been through! It’s an exclusive blend of proprietary ingredients with broad-spectrum hormone health benefits for better physical, mental, sexual, and skin health.
Check out this crazy list of benefits The Routine can aid in:
- Boosts Energy
- Helps Protect from Oxidative Stress with Glutathione
- Promotes Immune Health
- Promotes Weight Management
- Aids in Detoxifying the Body
- Helps Reduce Inflammation
- Promotes Heart Health
- Promotes Gut Health
- Reduces Bloating
- Promotes Anti-Aging
- Promotes Better Complexion
Additional Natural Cancer-Fighting Supplements
In addition to The Routine, the list below highlights some core supplements that block multi-pathways! You want high-quality supplements not cheap ones with fillers — quality over quantity.
- Berberine: Dr. Whitaker Berberine Supplement
- Curcumin: TetraCumin-QR
- Melatonin: Scientific Health Solutions Melatonin
- Quercetin: Pure Encapsulations Quercetin
- Medicinal Mushrooms: Host Defense Mushrooms
Want more? Visit my Amazon Storefront to shop all the supplements and detoxing tools I’ve used!
I also highly recommend taking Jan McLelland’s course How To Starve Cancer!
In addition, Brian Lawenda, who worked with Jane McLelland, compiled a convenient color-coded spreadsheet: AntiCancer Metabolic Pathway Inhibitors! Scroll down about ¾ of the way down to see the whole chart.
Detoxing and Root Causes: Taking inventory of all potential cancer-causing products in your life and detoxes to start now!
Now, I want to share with you some things that have helped me tremendously to detox and clean house on this cancer journey! Here are also several root causes that everyone has but cancer patients have to a deeper extent. It’s time to take inventory of everything in your life and do a complete 360! What you were doing before was not working, so it’s time to detox what you put in your body, on your body, and use in your home ASAP! So let’s start with where to detox…
Fasting to Starve Cancer
I did several different types of fasts — water, juice, short ones, and one longer one. There are numerous health benefits to fasting and even spiritual benefits!
Fasting is free and it literally starves cancer and creates new stem cells!
There are several fasting clinics in the US if you’d like to be medically supervised. I don’t recommend fasting past 5 days unsupervised. According to CANCERactive, “Fasting and calorie restriction can slow, and even stop, cancer progression, tumor growth, and metastases, kill cancer cells and significantly improve chemotherapy and lessen radiotherapy damage; fasting has also been shown to boost the immune system, de-fat both the liver and pancreas, and significantly reduce chemotherapy side-effects.”
Yes, we all have them, and I know, the idea alone is so gross. They are linked to many health issues. Here is a great article about parasites and some natural things you can do NOW to start cleansing. I highly recommend hitting it HARD with this. I have spoken to several people who have cured themselves just by taking anti-parasitics!
- Take 2-4 antiparasitics at a time
- Cycle them: 3 weeks on, 1 week off
- Take them 2-3 times a day
- Do this for at least 3-6 cycles
Personally, I took and still take Ivermectin, mebendazole, fenbendazole, and niclosamide.
After you are in the clear, meaning NO evidence of disease, pick two and take once a day with breaks. Your liver enzymes might go up a bit, but during your break, they will go back to normal.
If you’d like to read more about curing disease with antiparasitics, check out this blog from a guy named Joe who cured himself with fenbendazole alone! Fenbendazole blocks the glucose pathway which is one big way cancer thrives.
What I Used:
Everyone has some form of mold and heavy metals in their bodies. The faster we can clean up this mess, the faster the cancer will go away. It loves a dirty environment so let’s clean it up! Mold and heavy metals can also disrupt your hormones, so if you have a hormone-positive cancer you want to clean this up! Here are some ways to detox now and learn more.
What I Used:GI Detox
Lymphatic System
You can flush your lymphatic system by rebounding (the practice of jumping on a small mini-trampoline) walking, and dry brushing — these open up your detox drainage pathways. I do all these daily to clear toxins and dead cancer cells out of the lymphatic system.
What I Use:Dry Brush
Castor oil packs are a great way to detox your liver, I do this daily for 45 min to 1 hr before bed. It will get rid of any lumps, bumps, or any abnormal growths. You can do it on a breast lump or anywhere you have one.
What I Use:
Let’s talk coffee enemas… y’all I said I would never do this, but I’ve learned that you can never say never, ha! If you don’t know what a coffee enema is, it involves injecting coffee and water into your body through the rectum (I know, yikes!) When you get diagnosed with cancer you will do anything you can to heal, and this is one great way to cleanse your liver and detox toxins! I now do this once a week. When I was first diagnosed, I did it daily. If you have active cancer try to do it daily. The Gerson Therapy makes patients do it every 3-4 hrs! Search YouTube on how to do it.
What I Use:
Sauna & Red Light Therapy
Sweating will also open up detox drainage pathways. There are lots of benefits of red light therapy, and even more benefits to doing these with Methylene Blue.
What I Use:
- Sauna (I realize not everyone has the ability to use an in-home sauna, but if you do, I highly recommend it — it’s a huge time-saver compared to driving to your local sauna!)
- Red Light
- Methylene Blue
Cleanse your house of toxic household products that can disrupt your hormones
Toxic products have got to go as they are endocrine disruptors! I switched to many of the Hugh & Grace products because they are clean, plant-based, cruelty-free, and non-toxic! All their products are backed by science, 3rd party testing, and doctors who stand behind them!
I found such an eye-opening article about hormone-disrupting chemicals and this is WHY I’ve become so passionate about detoxing from the chemicals we put in/on our bodies and use in our homes! All of this can lead to hormonal cancers! I’ve been educating my older girls for a year now on the importance of only using clean products. Everyone thought I was crazy at first but more and more info is coming out on the truth about all these toxic products out there!
Check out this excerpt from the article: “’What’s unique about our approach is that we recognized that breast carcinogens tend to increase hormonal activity,’… “So for this study, we looked at whether chemicals increase certain hormonal activities that are known to increase breast cancer risk.’
“Kay and her team looked specifically for chemicals that activate estrogen receptors in breast cells and for chemicals that cause cells to make more estrogen or progesterone, both known risk factors for breast cancer. More than half of the chemicals on their list cause cells to make more estrogen or progesterone and about a third activate the estrogen receptor. An additional 278 of the chemicals on the list have previously been found to cause mammary tumors in animal studies.”
Healing from breast cancer is a full-time job — don’t give up!
You are worth it and your family deserves the very best of you! Keep going, this is not a sprint but a marathon! If you would like to get ahold of me and connect, you can find me on Instagram or Facebook or email me at
The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26